Category Archives: Development

Allan portraitHow To Update Your E-Mail Signature

Is your e-mail signature in need of a little sprucing up? Allan is here with step-by-step instructions to get your signature in tip-top shape.

Pete Boyd portraitGoogle Related Content Carousel on Mobile Searches for Law Firms

We have noticed that on certain mobile queries a related carousel is now appearing at the bottom of search results for various law firms.  These related content carousels feature nearby firms (and most likely competitors). Related Carousel Content The carousel of information…

Mike portraitMaster Your Bookmarks

There are lots and lots of websites out there, and sometimes they’re even worth bookmarking. As web developers and people who spend extensive time online, our lists of bookmarks often grow to monstrous lengths that become a chore to navigate. This…

Kyle portraitOur Favorite Shortcuts for Sublime Text (PC)

Kyle explains a few shortcuts for Sublime text editor.

Kyle portraitHow Google Wants You to Format Telephone Numbers for Mobile

At PapeStreet, we think it’s critical to have a well-designed and functioning mobile website. A big part of that goal is ensuring the phone number links correctly.

David portraitAnother Google Mobile Algorithm Update Rolling Out in May

Google announced yesterday that they will be rolling out another mobile-friendly algorithm update in May. The new update will increase the strength of the mobile-friendly signal within the algorithm.

An Interview with Our Development Team: Trends, Tips and Thoughts about Website Development

Our development team discusses trends, tips and thoughts about website development.

Allan portraitSupport for Older Versions of Internet Explorer Ends

Beginning January 12, 2016, only the current version of Internet Explorer available for a supported operating system will receive technical support and security updates.

What’s Changed in Web Development in Recent Years?

Web development is always in flux and in the last few years has undergone significant changes. A great article on various changes over the years.

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