How To Update Your E-Mail Signature
Is your email signature not quite right? The following is one of many methods you can use to remove the inherent formatting errors that may (and likely are) in your e-mail signature. It’s also the method that PaperStreet uses. Our method places your logo at the end of your signature and allows the image to be seen in a Mac environment without errors.
The following applies to both PC and Mac users–although Mac keyboard actions will differ slightly.
Let’s begin:
- Open Outlook
- Open “New mail message”
- Click on the down caret for “Signature” from the outlook ribbon “Message” tab
- Click on “Signatures”
The pop up shows all of your signatures.
Now click on your main outgoing signature so you can edit.
You are going to edit your Signature using only the following keyboard edits and not your mouse.
- Delete
- Backspace
- Arrows ←↑↓→
- Home
- End
- Shift+Enter
The goal is to remove all unwanted formatting errors. Using my Sig as an example let’s start:
Here is the only time you will use your mouse.
- Click on your company logo and use CTRL+X (this action cuts the image from its current location), using your Arrow, Home and End keys only, find your way to the character space at the end the URL.
- Now use Shift+Enter, (this action moves the character space to the next row).
- Now use CTRL+V and paste the image here, we will fix its location later.
Again, using just your Arrow, Home and End keys only:
- Move your cursor up to the end of your last name.
- Using Delete remove all spaces between your last name and the beginning of your job title so they appear on the same row.
- Use Shift+Enter to move your job title to the next row.
Use your End key to move your cursor to the end of the text in that row. Use Backspace to remove any extra spaces if found. - Using Delete remove all spaces between your Job Title and the beginning of your design title so they are on the same row.
- Use Shift+Enter twice to move the title (in this case, Paperstreet Web Design) to the next row.
This adds an empty row between your Job Title and the Paperstreet Web Design row.
Using just your Keyboard actions rinse and repeat for the remaining text.
Now, let’s address the Logo Imag:
- Using your Arrow, Home and End keys only, move the cursor to the end of the URL and delete the space between the URL and your company’s Logo.
- Use Shift+Enter twice to move the Logo to the next row.
- This adds an empty row between the URL and the Logo.
- Use End to move your cursor to the end of the image.
- Using Delete, remove all spaces between the Logo and the beginning of your CTA so they are all on the same row.
- Use Shift+Enter twice to move the Tag line to the next row.
- This adds an empty row between your Logo and Tagline.
- Use your End key to move your cursor to the end of the Tag line text or the end of any approved content.
- Use your Delete key several times to delete any remaining formatted character spaces beyond the end of the Tagline.
Any future edits to your Signature using the above method will prevent unwanted formatting errors.
This will need to be applied to all of your signatures currently in use.
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