Portfolio of Plus Designs
Features of PaperStreet Plus Designs
All the Pages You Typically Need
We try to stay under 100 initial pages, but your CMS can handle hundreds of thousands of pages.
Responsive Design & Mobile
Your website will automatically resize to the device being used i.e. any phone, tablet, or desktop.
Technology, Contact, Survey & Inquiry Forms
Clients will easily be able to contact your company with web forms. Our sites have animations, dynamic menus, vCards, calendars, and have printer friendly pages and search features.
Search Engine Optimization
We will research and architect your website. Need more results? Upgrade to one of our SEO plans.
We include a blog platform with all of our designs. Upgrade to our blog writing services and watch your traffic grow as you become an industry authority.
Content, Stock Photos & Web Graphics
We have a stock photography library ready to use. We can write or edit content at an additional cost.
Ownership of Copyright
You paid for it, so you will own the design.
Setup & Transfer
We setup everything for you, including coordinating data or domain transfers/registrations. The process is seamless and easy..
Total Control or WordPress® CMS
Manage your own site from the Internet anytime, anywhere, instantly. It's easy to add, delete, or rearrange pages. Your site is infinitely scalable.
Quick and Easy to Edit
When you select a category and add a page the page is instantly added to all the appropriate menus. We have different modules including news, blogs, attorneys, practices, seminars, offices and more.
Photos, Documents & Links
You can upload any PDF, JPG, GIF, Word Doc and a variety of other files through our easy to use online tool. Also, you can create any number of links to other websites.
Web Hosting, Back-Up & Security
We offer top-tier web hosting. Our web hosting is reliable. We provide security and back-up. Our servers are fast, reliable and secure. We have a suite of reporting tools for your website including statistics, traffic analysis and rankings.
Award-Winning Designs to Meet Your Firm’s Needs
We offer marketing and design packages to meet every budget for every size law firm. See what we can do for you!