Portfolio of the Best Criminal Defense Law Firms
Concise Digital Marketing Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers
For any lawyer, it’s important to remember that you need to market your services that best capture your main practice areas. Sure, there are marketing rules that all law firms need to follow, but differentiating your efforts is critical for your success.
That said, criminal defense attorneys have a unique challenge in that potential clients want an attorney who is as compassionate to their situation as they are aggressive. Thus, a criminal defense marketing campaign needs to convey several critical messages. Below are the most important elements to keep in mind:
1. Create a Compelling Website Design That Conveys Your Brand
Perhaps more so than other attorneys, criminal defense lawyers can and should embrace a marketing campaign that has a theme. Perhaps you’re the detectives or uncover the truth for your clients. Maybe you want to embrace a sword for your logo for a “sword of justice” campaign. Or perhaps you’re just a winning attorney and will let your case results speak for themselves. Further, a well-crafted criminal law website design should include a custom logo and brand.
A unique design creates a mood for your potential client and assists with their user experience. Be the firm with a design that people remember, and you can stand out from the pack.
2. Display Your Case Results Prominently
More so than clients looking for damages, a person facing a criminal charge has their future at stake. The most important concern they have, aside from cost, is whether or not you can earn them a positive outcome.
One way to market your criminal defense law firm in a compelling way is by offering video testimonials. If you have a willing client, have them tell their story. If your clients wish to stay anonymous, simply create a video that describes the case with actors or blurred figures.
Of course, you should get written testimonials and reviews, but explaining how you lead a client to victory could be the deciding factor for a site visitor.
3. Explanatory material should be available in multimedia formats.
This tip is vastly important for a variety of reasons. Yes, you need written content that highlights each and every case type you handle. (Sex crimes, assault and battery, etc.) But what you contain in the content matters.
Many criminal lawyers rely too much on simply including the statutes in their content. Realistically, that’s not what a potential client is on your site to find. If a client is considering pleading guilty or hiring you, the law itself won’t be the deciding factor. They want to know potential punishments, defenses available, etc.
Of course written content makes a difference, but traffic, rankings and user experience are all likely to improved
Important Marketing Tips for DUI / DWI Law Firms
Whether drunk driving defense is your sole practice area or merely a part of your criminal practice, it’s important to remember that marketing for DUI law firms requires a comprehensive strategy all its own. Many potential clients are debating whether to simply plead guilty or not as well as researching the unique elements of a case. This can be refusing a Breathalyzer, failing a field sobriety test, impact on a CDL etc. As a result, DUI attorneys need a full content hub for these cases. Additionally, it’s beneficial to add the same multimedia enhancements for this practice area in order to best explain the defenses and how you can help. Videos perform well, but something as simple as a chart can convince a client to choose your firm. Thus, all of the marketing tips listed above apply, but an extra push may be needed to best improve your ROI.
Why Choose Us for Your Criminal Defense Firm Web Design and Marketing Campaign
PaperStreet has been one of the country’s preeminent legal marketing firms since its founding in 2001. Peter Boyd, the company’s founder, is an attorney who is committed to helping lawyers market their services effectively. Our writers all have legal backgrounds and most are licensed lawyers themselves. We understand the unique challenges facing criminal defense, DUI and DWI lawyers, and we are knowledgeable about marketing channels and overall best practices in digital marketing.
Contact PaperStreet at 954-523-2181 to see what we can do for your criminal defense law firm.
Award-Winning Criminal Defense Law Firm Websites
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