Author Archives: Ashley

Ashley portrait5 Quotes That Will Make You Rethink Your Social Media Strategy

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting Quotes to Inspire Your Social Media Strategy Social media can easily be used in the wrong way. After reading numerous articles on social media and the various strategies others recommend, I thought it would be…

Ashley portraitBye-Bye Google Authorship Photo

In an effort to simplify the way authorship is shown in mobile and desktop search results, Google announced yesterday that photos of authors will no longer be displayed in the search engine results. However, authorship can still be set up…

Ashley portraitFour Reasons Your Google Authorship Photo Has Disappeared

  NOTE: Google recently indicated that they will no longer display authorship photos. However, you can still establish Google authorship and the importance of regularly posting to social media has not changed. Read more about the announcement.    Google tightened its…

Ashley portraitThe Basics of Social Media for Businesses

Social media can be slightly overwhelming for those who have never used it before. There are many strategies and tips that can help you market your business online, but it is important to first understand the basics. Benefits of Actively…

Ashley portraitFive Don’ts of Social Media for Law Firms

Social media can be a very powerful tool when used correctly. The problem is that many law firms are not utilizing social media platforms the way they were intended. There is no cookie cutter strategy to follow in order to…

Ashley portraitWhat Should I Do If Google Marks My Listing as a Duplicate?

Google has been slowly updating the Places dashboard, which has caused several issues to arise. One main problem is that Google Places listings are no longer allowed to have more than one owner. Because of this, many people have received…

Ashley portraitSocial Media Topics for Law Firms

It is not always easy to come up with original ideas to share with your audience via social media. No worries, we made a list of suggestions specifically for law firms. 1. Share Your Blog This is probably one of…

Ashley portraitHow to Post to Google as your Google+ Page

If you own a business or even if you just manage business accounts, you may wish to communicate with people on Google+ using a business page instead of your personal profile. Doing so can help increase awareness for your Google+…

Ashley portraitHow to Create a Unique Facebook URL

When you create a Facebook page it is given a random URL that is usually long and not easily memorized (often an arrangement of letters and numbers). To make your Facebook page easier to find, it is a good idea…

Ashley portraitBoost Your Web Presence: How to Benefit from Social Media

Your business may have a blog and a few social media pages, but are you truly utilizing these outlets to your advantage? There are a few simple guidelines you should be following if you wish to gain the most exposure…

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