Website Review Checklist

An image of a blue computer mouse, with its cord forming a checkmark shape to mimic a Website Review Checklist. Below, there's a blue "DOWNLOAD" button with a downward arrow inside a white circle.

When is it time to give your website a makeover? When its outdated elements, design, and programming are costing you business instead of generating leads?

Run down the list below (or click here to download the PDF) to determine whether your website needs a redesign.


PaperStreet’s Website Review Checklist

  • Branding (who you are as a firm or practice)
    • Message: Is your brand message clear?
    • Consistency: Is your brand being represented consistently throughout the site?
    • Logo: Is your logo high quality and is it prominently placed on each page?
    • Imagery: Does your imagery represent you and your brand accurately?
    • Color Scheme: Do you have a solid color scheme, and does it connect with your brand?
    • Taglines: Are you using powerful tag lines that engage your user and relate to what they need?
    • Calls to Action: Are these prominently placed on your home page and on your sub pages?
  • Typography (the fonts and headers on your website)
    • Headlines: Are you currently utilizing H1, H2, H3 headlines that are vital to your SEO and information hierarchy?
    • Font: Are your fonts readable and appropriate for your company attitude?
    • Size: Is the size of all of your headline and paragraph text legible and visually pleasing?
  • Layout (the sizing and positioning of webpage elements)
    • Layout Width: Does your layout meet the current standard width of 960 px? (we are referring to the active page area, not the background)
    • Modern: Is your layout clean, easy to read and navigate? Does it look fresh?
    • Organization: Is your content (and the sections they are in) well organized within the layout?
    • Home Page: Do you feature your most important content and can your users get a real sense of who you are just by looking at the home page?
    • Subpages: Do your sub pages have consistent layouts and is it easy to find pages that are deeper in your site?
    • Footer: Do you have your contact information, repetition of your main navigation menu, and if you are an SEO client, more detailed information on your footer?
    • Navigation: Is it easy to find your main landing pages and sub pages when you are on any given page of your site?
  • Interactive Elements (advanced custom functions for usability)
    • Main & Side Menus: Do you have an obvious rollover effect or different link color when your mouse hovers over any of your menu items to indicate that it is indeed a link?
    • Show/Hide Features: Do you utilize show/hide or expandable menus to minimize the look of very long content?
    • Buttons: Do you utilize buttons to help guide users through your site?
    • Calls to Action: Do you have effective Calls to Action on your site directing the user to take the action you want them to?
    • Anything Clickable: Are all items that are clickable, including images, links, buttons, etc. made obvious to the user that they can click them?
    • Social Icons: Are you utilizing social media icons on either your header or footer?

How did you fare? Is it time for something new?

If you’re missing three or more of the above elements, it is definitely time for a redesign. It may seem like a lot to measure up to, but in actuality, ALL of the elements listed above are necessary for a successful website.

If you have any questions regarding a website redesign or would like to receive a free site analysis, contact us now.

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