What makes an Award-Winning Website Design?

Winning Aviation and Law Firm Web Designs

Team PaperStreet is happy to announce we recently won two W3 awards for web design. We received a Gold Award in the aviation category for the development and design of www.gatelesis.com. We also received a Silver Award for www.fredfranke.com in the legal and law firm category. W3 Awards honor creative excellence on the web and recognizes the professional designers, developers and writers behind the outstanding work that goes into each hand-crafted web presence.

At PaperStreet, we believe in five key ingredients that will have your site winning awards in no time! If you keep these principles in mind as you move forward with the web design process you are sure to have a final product with a major wow factor.

  1. A vision for what differentiates your brand from your competitors – You know your firm or company better than anyone else. You have a vision for what it wants to be known for. Your reputation is important, and you want the design of your website to reflect the presence of your law firm or company. In order for our creative team to produce your vision and translate it into a design, we need to understand the vision, and it needs to be crystal clear. When our design team understands your story we can tell it visually and creatively.
  1. A team that supports your vision – Do the key decision makers understand their vision? Are they on the same page? Does your feedback honor the commitment to the common vision, or is it coming from a personal preference standpoint? When clients work in committees everyone must understand the goals in order to support the ideas that convey the story of your brand. Together you can work to stay on track when offering suggestions and comments. The goal is for your website to be a reflection of the people in your office and the work you do.
  1. A plan to make it come alive – Our team of content, creative, development and SEO members want to produce a unique product. We work together to ensure when a web design launches, all roads have merged seamlessly to create an award-winning law firm or business website. When we work in synergy we get the best results.
  1. An award-winning design team – It takes a very dynamic group and creative ideas to illustrate your vision with style, efficiency and quality. The bottom line is you need amazing designers, awesome developers, professional writers, and a knowledgeable SEO team. On top of that, you need them to execute and problem solve as they go. We are professionals with decades of combined design experience. Together we can bring your vision to life.
  1. Trust and collaboration are key – Finally, you need a team you can trust. The PaperStreet team embraces this process every day. It is our profession. Clients can provide input and collaborate with website creators, but more than anything they are advised to listen to experts for the best outcome.

If all ingredients are optimal, the result will be a reward for all those involved: An award-winning site that others model for their own! That is the ultimate compliment. Check out all the awards the PaperStreet team has won to date.

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