Google’s Second Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Boost has Gone Live!
In case you haven’t already heard, Google has completed making the second version of the mobile-friendly update live today. Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller announced on Twitter this morning, saying, “The mobile changes mentioned here are now fully rolled out.”
Back in March, we reported that another google mobile algorithm update was rolling out in May and as of today, any websites that are not mobile-friendly will be at a disadvantage in Google’s mobile search results. Technically speaking, this latest algorithm update only strengthens the original signal of algorithm when it was first released in April of 2015.
If your website is already mobile-friendly then you have nothing to worry about. If you are not mobile-friendly, or if you want to double-check you are, use the Google mobile-friendly tool and check out Google’s mobile guidelines. If you are looking for extra mobile insight and improvements, check out your Google Search Console under Search Traffic > Mobile Usability.
It is publicly known that this algorithm affects your website on a page by page basis. As a result, the negative impact of this algorithm on your website can be slow to show up depending on how fast Google revisits and crawls your website. However, please don’t take this as an excuse not to make your website mobile-friendly. It is for the greater good of the internet!
Does Your Website Need Mobile-Friendly Assistance? Contact Us Today
Our designers and developers are experts at mobile responsiveness. We have plans available to migrate your current site into a mobile friendly website, maintaining your style preferences and overall theme. Read more about mobile design and email our Sales Manager for more information. You can also reach us at 954-523-2181.
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