Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our Simple How To

With Pinterest’s rising popularity within the social media network, it is important to not only have a Pinterest for your business, but also to be actively pinning.  But how? You might ask. That’s where we can help. The following is a quick and easy how to on just that (snazzy pictures included).

So read on and soon you will be pinning like a pro.

Step 1:

Choose your photo and save it as a jpeg. Try and add your business name in the file name, since Pinterest is about re-pinning thePin like a Pinterest Pro with our Simple How To more you can get your name out there, the better.

Screenshot of a website displaying "Eckland & Blando LLP" with an open dialog box for saving an image. Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our simple how-to guide to save and organize your favorite images effortlessly.

Step 2:

Log in to your Pinterest account. On the top left you will see a button that says “Add +” – click on that.

Screenshot of a Pinterest page showing three suggested pins related to gardening, snacks, and recipes. User options include "Add" content, view "About" information, and access the "Peter" profile. Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our Simple How To included in each pin suggestion.

Step 3:

A box will pop up giving you 3 options; we want option 2 “Upload a Pin”

A screenshot displays the "Add" menu options on Pinterest, showing icons for "Add a Pin," "Upload a Pin," and "Create a Board." The "Upload a Pin" option is highlighted with a red circle, making it easy to pin like a Pinterest pro.

Step 4:

We then select our file name and click “open”

A file upload window showing a selected file named "" from the Desktop folder. The "Open" button at the bottom right is highlighted, making it easy to pin like a Pinterest pro with our simple how-to.

Step 5:

Yay! Our photo has loaded, now we need to choose which board we want to pin to. Click on the down arrow and choose from the drop down.

A computer screen shows the "Upload a Pin" interface for Pinterest, with a file named "Law Firm Web Design" selected. The description field and social media sharing options are visible, making it easy to pin like a Pinterest pro with our simple how-to guide.Screenshot of a Pinterest window showing a user uploading a pin. The "Create New Board" dropdown menu displays options like Law Firm Web Design, Cool Office Ideas, and others. Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our Simple How To!

Step 6:

Our next step is to write a description for our pin, after that click “Pin It”.

Screenshot of a "Upload a Pin" window showing an image being pinned from a specific file path, with the description "Lawyer Web Design by PaperStreet -" and options to pin to Facebook or Twitter. Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our simple how-to guide!

Step 7:

We’re almost done! Now we just want to add a link for your photo so if somebody were to click on it they would know where it originated. Click on “Edit.” Then, paste your link into the “Link” box and choose “Save Pin.”

A Pinterest page featuring a profile for Peter Boyd with an uploaded screenshot of Eckland & Blando law firm's web design. The page shows the option to edit the profile and includes other related images, helping you Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our Simple How To guide. Screenshot of a Pinterest edit pin page for a pin titled "Lawyer Web Design by PaperStreet". The edit shows a description, link field, and board selection, with a "Save Pin" button highlighted. Pin like a Pinterest Pro with our Simple How To guide right at your fingertips.

And voila! We have successfully uploaded our pin, now get out there and start pinning!

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