Law Firm Internet Marketing Strategies for a Niche Practice Website – Big 4
There are four basic strategies to market your practice areas online: microsites, full websites, direct keyword match and Adwords. If you are targeting a niche practice area, product recall, mass tort or some other type of class action, then these are effective ways to get cases.
1. Micro Website Strategy
Goal: To create a comprehensive website about your core practice area or recall. Each website would be unique about that product and have THE MOST information compared to competitors.
- Content (a lot)
- Social Sharing Component
- Keyword Match Domain
- Quality Link Authority
- Design & Development: $3,000 to $25,000 for unique website.
- Content: $3,000 to $15,000, depending on number of pages. Depending on your competition, you may need a lot of content written, or it could be less than 5 pages in a very niche area.
- Adwords: Could be added, as needed.
- SEO: Could be added, but ideally the website would rank as a direct keyword match and topical content.
- You are providing the most comprehensive resource online in that niche area.
- You should rank high because you are the experts in the area.
- You will boost your online authority in that area.
- Your microsite will attract a targeted audience who may convert into clients.
- A long-term strategy (although this could be a good thing too)
- Costs
- Need to produce a LOT of content
- 30 to 60 days for the website and content. Rankings would probably take 30 to 90 days after launch.
2. Big Website
Goal: To create a full website that would cover all practice areas that a firm covers.
- Design/Development
- Content
- Infographic / Social
- Good Domain
- Quality Link Authority
- Site Publisher
- Design & Development: $3,000 to $15,000
- Content: Content can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to above $3,000 per practice topic.
- Adwords: Could be added, as needed. See above pricing.
- SEO: Could be anywhere from $500 to $2,500 per month for a comprehensive SEO campaign.
- The most comprehensive website on all practice areas.
- Set up the firm to be a resource long-term.
- Costs
- 90 days to produce the website and 30 to 90 days to begin ranking.
3. Direct Keyword Match Strategy
Goal: To buy unique domains and create mini websites on each keyword phrase.
- Unique Domain
- Unique Content (5 pages per website)
- Design & Development: If existing brand then a website can be cloned easily. $900 per website (6 hours to prep and launch each website). Also need to purchase good domain names.
- Content: $750 per website (5 pages of content written) – Though a lot more content could be written.
– Home
– [Product Name] Lawsuit
– [Product Name] FAQs
– About [Product Name]
– [Product Name] News
– Contact
- Adwords: Could be added, as needed.
- SEO: Could be added, but ideally website would rank as a direct keyword match.
- High rankings on keyword phrase match.
- Ability to add on content to each website.
- Short timeline to launch.
- Relying on the keyword match.
- Competitive area, a keyword match domain still might not be effective. Could need SEO and content.
- Timeline: 2 weeks to produce the clone website. Rankings would probably take 30 to 90 days after launch.
4. Adwords Strategy
Goal: In short, you advertise on Google, Bing and other search engines. To create a landing page and Google advertising campaign for the primary keyword phrases.
- Design, Development and production of a Landing page design (or improve existing pages)
- Adwords Budget
- Design & Development: $600
- Content: $150 (production of a page of content)
- Adwords: See below
- SEO: None
- Speed
- Instant advertising
- Ability to turn on and off instantly
- Always advertising, so constant cost
- 2 Weeks. Inquiries start with ad campaign.

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