5 Best Practices for Conversion Driven Law Firm Websites

In this blog post, we are going discuss how to take advantage of the traffic that visits your website to convert visitors into clients. If your website is not engaging visitors, then the traffic coming to your website is wasted. As a result, we have outlined our 5 best practices to help drive conversions and generate more revenue for your law firm.

Home Page Visual Test

It is critical that a visitor can tell what types of cases you handle within the first 5 seconds of viewing the home page. We recommend a strong headline, tagline, imagery and a blatant call to action (all above the fold). If any of these are overlooked, it could lead to a confused visitor that may leave your website.

These points are demonstrated in the example below. Within a few seconds of visiting the home page, you are able to see this is a law firm that handles criminal defense cases. The page also makes great use of headlines and calls to action that speak to a visitor who needs legal help. In addition, the combination of headlines, calls to action and imagery guides the visitor down the path they need legal assistance with.

home page example

User-Focused Content

Now that you have captured their attention, the next step is for your visitor to learn more about the services offered by reading your content. Your content must resonate with visitors and demonstrate how you can help their situation. It is also a good strategy to include relevant images and videos to further enhance the content.

The 80/20 rule can be applied to this scenario as well. We suggest that 80% of the content should be about the visitor and addressing their concerns. The other 20% should be facts about the law, the firm and how they have assisted with past cases.

Formatting is also a very important aspect of content creation. It is important to follow these best practices when writing for the web:

  • Put the most important content in the first paragraph
  • Use active voice instead of passive
  • Write meaningful headers that speak to users
  • Choose bulleted lists over long paragraphs
  • Write short paragraphs and minimize unnecessary words
  • Use internal links for supplementary information
  • Include calls to action within the content

Credibility and Value Proposition

Selecting a law firm is not a quick and easy decision for visitors. They will often review many law firms before making a selection for their situation. As a result, it is important that your website demonstrates your credibility, any legal recognition you have received, testimonials from past clients and your value proposition (what sets you apart from other firms). With so many law firms competing digitally, we can’t stress this section enough.

Below are some examples of how our clients have demonstrated these recommendations:

website recognition examples

website testimonial examples

website value proposition example

Website Speed and Mobile Design

Plain and simple: no one likes a slow loading website. It is frustrating to interact with and our attention spans are lower than ever. This can be a huge factor in causing visitors to exit your website before converting.

Also, trends continue to show that mobile browser usage is only increasing and site speed is more important than ever. This means it is important to have a fast loading website that is effortless to interact with. Google also recognizes this factor and includes it in their keyword ranking algorithm for organic search results.

Contact Information and Forms

Now that a visitor has engaged with your website, the final step is the conversion! Assuming you had a great home page, it loaded fast, had user-focused content, demonstrated your legal credibility and set your law firm apart from others, these factors should have persuaded the visitor enough to reach out to your firm for legal help.

To achieve conversion, it is important that contact information and forms are easily seen and accessible. Below are some examples of how we have demonstrated these recommendations within our websites:

  • Phone number shown clearly in the header
  • Contact button on the main navigation menu
  • Contact forms on internal practice area pages
  • Call to action section or contact form near the footer
  • Office addresses with phone numbers listed on contact page and in footer
  • Separate pages for each office location with directions

Further Learning

Are you interested in learning more about legal marketing? Head on over to our SEO Guidelines & Best Practices page. Our guide will teach you the do’s and don’ts for law firm SEO along with what we include in our SEO plans.

Questions or Feedback

We hope this blog post has been informative and helpful for webmasters that want to make sure their website is setup to drive conversions. Ensuring these 5 best practices are taken into account will help your website provide a great user experience and, ultimately, lead to a conversion.

We would love to hear your feedback if this blog post has helped you. Please feel free to let us know in the comments below.

If you need any assistance making your website more conversion driven, we are here to help. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.

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