
Top 6 Videos for Law Firm Video Marketing

Services: Law Firm Website Design . SEO . Internet Marketing . Law Firm Marketing Guide . Content Marketing . PPC

Videos are an excellent way to improve SEO, increase website traffic, and increase engagement on social media. The perception is that it’s too difficult, there’s not enough time to create and it’s too expensive. 

In this article we’ll explore the types of videos you can use for your website or on social media to engage visitors and attract new clients.   You can also check out our law firm video marketing and production page.

Types of Videos

  • Testimonial 
  • Tour 
  • Explainer (Educational)
  • Q&A
  • Announcements
  • Social Media Video Ad

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are a great way to provide social proof to potential clients. Try to keep the testimonial short with a compelling message. Keep in mind when sharing on social media that the attention span of viewers is short. It’s important to choose an interviewee that can articulate and convey the testimonial in a professional manner. 


Providing a tour video on your website allows the visitor an inside look to your firm. You want to attract customers to key points such as your location, your staff, and your expertise. During the tour, you can explain your background and what makes your firm stand out against others in your area. 

Explainer Video

Explainer or educational videos are a great way to feature the benefits of your law firm. These videos can build confidence and trust in potential clients. If you’re having trouble coming up with content for the explainer videos turn your blog topics into videos. The best part about these videos is you can use special apps or software that you don’t need to film at all! Just add text, images, and even a voiceover. 


Question and answer videos are a great way to turn the most common questions you get asked into an excellent informational tool. There are a few ways to create these videos. One way is to pose the question with text images and then answer using a voiceover with images and key text points. Another way is to have someone on your staff ask the commonly asked questions and then you answer them, directly on video. (This video can also be referred to as an interview video.)


Creating a video for announcements is a great way to attract viewers to pay attention to your message. Especially on social media, announcements are short videos that provide key information regarding your law firm. 

Social Media Ads

Social media ads are short videos between 15 secs to 3 mins. The important element in this type of video is the Call to Action. What action would you like your viewers to take? Are you wanting them to “like” or “follow” your social media page? Are you wanting them to sign up for your e-book or newsletter? Are you leading them to your website or to call you directly? Be sure your message is clear, concise, engaging, and ultimately a value for potential clients. 

Videos are an excellent marketing tool that can attract potential clients, engage current followers, and build your client base. Your law firm is unique, make sure your videos stand out to catch the short attention span of most viewers. The number one goal of your videos is to fulfill the need for your potential clients. People are searching for authentic, valuable, and useful information. Don’t be overwhelmed by the technology involved in creating these videos, sometimes just simple apps and a cell phone can create the best videos!

If you need assistance with video marketing for your law firm contact PaperStreet today.

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