Easy Code for Featured Images in WordPress

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Below is a really easy code sample for utilizing featured images in WordPress.

Easy Code for Featured Images in WordPress: A PHP code snippet for determining and extracting the URL of a post's featured image or setting a default image if none exists.

To implement this you would basically just copy and paste the code snippet (found in text format below) where you want to utilize the featured image section in WordPress and the $featured_image variable would return the URL of the featured image.  The ‘else’ part of the statement sets a fallback (default) photo if a featured image is not chosen for a specific page.

Simple, but nice.




if(has_post_thumbnail()) { // check if the post has a Featured Image.

$photo = get_the_post_thumbnail();

$featured_image = explode(‘”‘, $photo);

$featured_image = $featured_image[‘1’];

} else {

$featured_image = ‘/wp-content/themes/paperstreet/images/default.jpg’;



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