Why Some Blogs Outperform Others

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Maintaining a blog can be a tough task…and keeping your readers interested can be even tougher. Make no mistake: if you are using a blog to promote your business or sell your products, what you say can make or break you.

In cyber-land, it’s clear that some blogs do far better than others. But why is that the case? Here are three primary reasons why your blog may be getting left in the dust by other bloggers.

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Your Content Has No Value to the Reader

It’s kind of obvious, but if you expect your blog to be a successful marketing tool for your business, it is imperative for you to give your prospective readers what they want. For example, if you have a personal injury law firm, but your blog only talks about the fabulous trips that are taken by the attorneys in the firm or the after-school activities that the partners’ children participate in, you’re not giving the people what they want (despite the fact that all those things may, in fact, be quite interesting). Let the prospective client know how you can help them if they’ve been injured and what you can do for them and their families to get them justice. Anything other than that is a useless diversion that can end up costing you time, money and readership.

You Don’t Keep a Regular Schedule

We certainly know how difficult it is to maintain a business, and doing so requires a great deal of your precious time and energy. Still, if your blog is intended to be your marketing tool of choice, you must ensure that you blog on a routine basis.  If you are only blogging once every two or three months, that is likely not enough to compete with your competitors. And if the blogs you create are actually helpful and interesting to your readers, they will be wanting more! If you wait too long between posts, you may end up doing yourself more harm than good (and you may wind up losing many readers and potential customers while you’re at it).

You Have Nothing New to Say

We all know it can be a task to come up with meaningful, interesting copy all while getting your point across in the most concise way possible. But if you’re simply repeating what’s already been said 100 different ways in 100 different languages, you’re surely going to lose your readers. Going back to the personal injury firm example…99.9 percent of the world has seen a commercial (or 10) where a personal injury lawyer makes the famous statement, “Been hurt in an accident? We can help.”  Okay, you can help…but HOW? As noted above, tell your readers exactly what you and your firm can do for them. Use your blog to provide actual examples of scenarios that you’ve resolved for your past clients. Make them want to call or come to YOU for help!

These three things are just the tip of the iceberg if you’re trying to figure out why your blog may not be doing as well as you think it should. If you are having trouble with marketing your firm and would like to get some pointers, contact PaperStreet Web Design today to discuss your options.

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