Great Blog Topics for 2024 To Boost Your Legal Marketing Strategy

A blue paper with the word "Blog" written on it in white, surrounded by stationery items including glasses, markers, a cup, a ball, and sticky notes on a grey surface.

We live in a world where accessibility to information is at an all-time high. With that, blogging has become an essential tool for lawyers and law firms. Blogging is not only critical to establishing expertise, but it is also an excellent way for a business to engage directly with its clients. For the law industry, this creates a fantastic platform for law firms to increase and improve engagement with potential clients and boost your firm’s reputation

To help you with your blogging strategy in 2024, we have five great blog ideas your law firm can implement into its marketing strategy to boost your business. 

  1. Frequently Asked Questions Posts (FAQs)

If business is booming and your phone won’t stop ringing, it might be beneficial to have an entire blog focused on these frequently asked questions. Having this information readily available on your blog shows that your firm prioritizes the needs of its clients and potential clients. Also, it eases the burden of repeatedly answering these same questions. 

Only some people like to talk on the phone, especially today. People tend to flock to Google. You often find these questions under People Also Ask.


Including these commonly asked questions in a blog post can significantly benefit your firm by addressing these topics before a client contacts you directly. You can even include FAQs at the end of a core content post. You can compile a list of your questions or create content surrounding the questions in the People Also Ask section in Google’s search results. Not only can a blog post including FAQs be a great way to pique the interest of your audience, but it also confirms your firm is authoritative in the practice areas you serve. 

  1. How-To Posts

If done right, a How-To post can make your job as an attorney easier. Don’t think making a post like this will drive a potential client away. In fact, it should help your business. A How-To post can make an attorney’s job much more manageable if done correctly. Having this information clearly defined illustrates that you are a legal professional more than qualified to take on a potential client’s case when needed. Moreover, a client is better prepared with documents and prefaced information to bring to the initial consultation meeting, allowing you to do your job succinctly and quickly. 

  1. Law Changes

Local, state, and federal government changes or new laws soon to be enforced can be excellent blog topics. This content is a great guide for your audience on what to expect with their specific case. Moreover, if a new law is pending, it better prepares you and your client for any impedances that may cause an issue in their case.  

Law Changes

Sourced from a PaperStreet client, Martin & Jones, PLLC  

  1. Trial Process Guides

More often than not, most people have yet to learn how the law works and what a trial entails unless they’ve been to court before. One may assume that a trial is clear-cut and short, but it may not unfold in this manner – these legal proceedings can be arduous and drawn out, depending on the case. Your readers could find a trial guide blog post helpful because it can prepare them for what will happen. Present this information as numbered lists or step-by-step guides to make it easily digestible. 

  1. The Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer

Believe it or not, some people would rather take a chance representing themselves without a skilled and experienced attorney to plead their case. Explaining the consequences of withstanding a complex trial that requires the knowledge and expertise of an attorney could deter someone from making such a detrimental decision and turn them into a potential client who chooses to consult your services instead.  

Start Your New Blogging Strategy

If you want to expound on the success of your business, consider posting high-quality, relevant information for your audience in the form of blog posts. Yes, having a beautifully designed website with valuable core content is critical to your marketing strategy’s success, but also having these supporting blog posts proves your firm to be authoritative and resourceful. It can drive more traffic to your site. This, in turn, increases the chances of converting a reader into a potential client. Contact us today if you need assistance constructing a blogging strategy; we’ll be happy to help. 

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