Three Photoshop Tricks to Enhance and Extend Your Images
Images have a huge impact on a website. The right photo can take a website from just okay to amazing! But sometimes the photos we have, or want to use, are small or not the required dimensions. There are several useful Photoshop techniques that I frequently use when working with images that can help you work with what you have and still leave a lasting impression.
One helpful Photoshop tool is the Cloning Stamp. The way this tool works is it allows the user to take parts of the original image to build others. The infinite possibilities this tool gives you is remarkable. It can extend backgrounds and erase parts of the image you don’t like or need.
Here are some great examples:
Original Image:
Final Result:
Original Image:
Final Result:
Combining Multiple Images
Another good tip is combining multiple photos to create one single image. This technique is awesome because it allows us to create any scene we imagine. Here are some examples:
Original Images:
Final Result:
Original Images:
Final Result:
Digital Photo Manipulation
Some images have a nice background but need a little enhancement and manipulation. This tool allows us the flexibility to create sceneries beyond our imagination. These are some good examples:
Original Image:
Final Result:
Original Image:
Final Result:
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