Lotfi Legal Launches New PaperStreet Law Firm Website

PaperStreet is pleased to announce the launch of a new website for Lofti Legal, an immigration law firm in Wisconsin.
Lotfi Legal LLC was born from personal experience. Founder Shabnam Lotfi assisted her husband in remaining in the United States after their marriage. She managed his green card application and guided him through the process, including accompanying him to a joint interview at USCIS. Upon successfully navigating this journey, she extended her assistance to her international acquaintances and Lofti Legal LLC was born.
The new website features streamlined messaging that is all client-centered, which emphasizes the importance the firm places on each individual’s legal experience. The website allows their clients to pay online and provides comprehensive descriptions of their practice in various areas of immigration law.
The new website, fully designed by the PaperStreet team, can be accessed at www.lotfilegal.com.

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