5 New Tips You Should Know About Your New Website Launch

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Launching your new website can be an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful one. At PaperStreet, we work with you and follow a comprehensive launch list to try and alleviate any issues.

Below we will be going over some of the common issues/concerns to make your website launch go as smoothly as possible.

1. Passwords: Ensure All Passwords Are Ready and Working

This applies to any of the following in relation to your website. It is important to know if your current logins are working, as it can help avoid a lot of back and forth communication.

The most common logins needed for launching your new website are:

  • Google
    • Having a recovery phone number or email address (for the time being) is very helpful as it will save time in back and forth communication. Also, be prepared to send over any codes (phone/email) if you have any other multi-factor authentication enabled.
  • Domain Registrar (these also require two-factor authentication a majority of the time)
    • GoDaddy (most common)
    • Network Solutions
  • Cloudflare
    • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Hosting
    • If you are planning on keeping your current host for your website

A few more logins may be needed as well (Mailchimp, CRMs, CallRail), but the three above are the most common and important in getting your new website up and running.

2. Time

Depending on its complexity, a new website launch can take up to an entire day to complete. As mentioned above, we have a comprehensive launch list we follow. Subject to a few factors (see #4 below), you could see your new site up in the early morning or not until hours after the launch process has started.

3. Availability

Your web design team may need to get in contact with you in case of any issues/questions. It is best to be available by email, as most of the time, the issues are relatively minor and do not require an immediate phone call. Also, be sure to contact any other important people and let them know they may be needed. This could include anyone on the IT team, Marketing Department, or any third-party vendors.

At PaperStreet, we launch websites Monday – Thursday in order for any issues to be taken care of during the workweek and to ensure all parties can be reached.

4. Cache

During the 24 hours after your site launches, you may not be able to view the new website. This depends on a few factors, including your local computer network/internet service provider (ISP) that may have cached the past web server address. Something as easy as restarting your computer/network can help resolve the issue. If you keep seeing issues, contact your IT team or internet provider (Comcast, AT&T) to refresh your DNS cache.

5. Google (Results)

It can take a few days up to a few weeks for Google to crawl and index your website. So, for example, if you see old pages of people no longer working at the company, just give Google a little time to reindex the new website. At PaperStreet, we submit a new sitemap and set up Google Search Console (GSC) to ensure the best results with Google.

PaperStreet is Here to Help

We hope that the information provided above explains or answers some of the questions you might have when launching your new site. If you have any questions about launching your new website or are looking for a redesign, contact us, and we would be happy to help.

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