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Chapter 6


Want to increase your social media presence and get more likes, shares and engagement? Then read our law firm social media best practices guide. We will showcase helpful tips, articles, checklists and more.

  1. Be Newsy.
    Social media is your chance to boast about firm life, charity work, case victories, new employees, etc.
  2. Be Newsy

  3. Pay Attention to Engagement Trends.
    There are times of day and days of the week where people are more likely to be on social media and reading blogs. Monitor the trends for your intended medium and post accordingly.

  4. Post Frequently.
    Posting fresh content and linking to your blog posts on a weekly basis can help build followers. Sharing content is a great way to stay active with limited resources.
  5. Frequent Posting

  6. Interaction.
    Interacting and engaging with your followers is key to building a following. Set up auto-replies on your Facebook inbox to get a 100% response rate and direct leads to the appropriate resource.

  7. Strategy.
    Using key themes and having a strategic approach are important to a successful campaign. Grouping your content by type (testimonials, industry news, firm news, promotional) is an excellent way to ensure you have a balanced social strategy.
  8. Strategy

  9. Content.
    Content should provide something of value to your followers, such as information, entertainment, intrigue, inspiration, etc. Making posts that appear to be ads or have too much of a templated feel will give your followers a reason to opt out.
  10. Content

  11. Marathon, Not a Sprint.
    Social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Putting out intriguing and visually stunning content consistently over time is the absolute most important focus for building a base of quality followers.

  12. Social Media as a Search Engine.
    While Google is the most popular search engine and focused on the most from a SEO standpoint, don’t overlook the power of social media platforms for search value. You have much more control over your optimization for these sites; however, each of these search engines uses a unique algorithm. Adding hashtags, location and user tags, retweeting and sharing, being retweeted and shared, following and being followed, and commenting on other pages all provide backlinks to your page.
  13. Social Share Buttons

  14. Visuals.
    Images should have a consistent look so that they all meld well in gallery views and subtly fit with your branding. Facebook has removed its 20% text limitation on ad images. So you can now include any level of text that you want, within reason.
  15. Visuals

  16. Social Proof.
    From testimonials to sharing user-generated content, using the content created by your clients is one of the most impactful ways to connect with your target audience.

  17. Optimize Your Pages.
    Social platforms are consistently rolling out new layouts and features. Make sure that you keep your pages updated and are taking advantage of all available tools.
  18. Optimize Your Pages

  19. More Native Scheduling in Platforms.
    Twitter and Facebook have offered native post scheduling in their platforms for quite some time. Finally LinkedIn and Instagram are joining the herd by exploring this functionality.

  20. Customer Service.
    Social will be a go-to place for businesses and brands to connect with customers and even resolve issues.

Chapter 7 - Newsletters
