Category Archives: Web Design Tips and Tools

Web Design Apps to Keep an Eye on for 2017

These days, the web is growing exponentially and becoming more complex than ever before. Consequently, the need for tools to help facilitate the development process continues to grow at a rapid pace.

Pete Boyd portraitContact Form Validation – Options for Checking User Data

Contact forms are great, as they allow service businesses to receive information from potential clients any time of the day. Unfortunately, spam inquiries do happen. But, lucky for you, we have a few tried and true tricks up our sleeve to prevent them.

Mike portraitHow to Easily Add Animations to Your Website

PaperStreet makes frequent use of animations on homepages we build, and it’s easy to see why. Animation brings movement, life, and a sense of polish to your website, creating a presentation static websites simply cannot achieve. The best part is…

Website Grievances as Told by the PaperStreet Development Team

The development team discusses their website pet-peeves. A great article on gripes and pet peeves from our team.

Kyle portraitAuthenticating Your Twitter Feed for Use on Your Website

You might be asking: why should I authenticate my Twitter feed? In order to use your Twitter feed on your website, you need to authenticate your account with Twitter, which allows you (or us) to “easily” incorporate your feed on your site.

Elyssa portraitOur Favorite Way to Test Responsive Design on a Desktop

Elyssa explains our favorite Google Chrome extension for testing responsiveness on a desktop computer.

Awesome Chrome Apps Test Responsive Designs

It continues to be increasingly difficult to check responsive designs on the many screen sizes and resolutions that exist (and it’s not getting any easier). At PaperStreet, we created an entire department to help the elements and functionality of web…

David portraitAdding a Custom Font to Your Website

In the past, font selection was very limited. If you wanted to achieve a consistent look across all platforms, you needed to choose a web safe font. Now, with the advancement in web browsers and CSS code, you can choose…

Pete Boyd portraitDo Not Submit! Get Creative with Contact Form Button Text

Using SUBMIT for contact forms is lazy and inefficient. Get creative with different ideas. You can improve you conversion rate and get more leads.

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