SEO Marketing Case Studies by PaperStreet
The PaperStreet SEO team often takes a modest approach in discussing the accomplishments we have achieved for our organic SEO clients. Being law firm SEO experts does not give us an ego to gloat. We typically let the work speak for itself. We continually tell new clients that our continual work on their campaigns is a symbiotic relationship: our success is their success and vice versa and to appreciate our previous accomplishments, we outline the importance of our collective partnerships and how important that is for a successful SEO campaign. We have discussed this many, many, many, many times.
With the aforementioned information in mind, the case studies below are better seen as examples of how excellent partnerships result in great rankings. Please enjoy results as of August 2016 and we eagerly await your continued partnership:
Levine Law – Denver PI
This is one of our best continued campaigns running for over two years. This client targets personal injury in Denver, Colorado and left a mid-sized established firm to start his own practice. He wanted to jump into the internet marketing arena and contacted PaperStreet. We built him a brand new website, with no rankings upon launch. We brought him to the first page for the majority of his keyword phrases within six months. He has maintained these rankings for years as a part of our SEO efforts. To this day, this client constantly tells us he has almost too much business to handle thanks to the rankings and conversions made from the website. As a result, this firm has expanded their practice immensely and opened another office with a second SEO campaign with PaperStreet in the works.
Fort Myers is a slightly smaller market yet the competition for this employment law firm was fierce. Previously not ranked well for some important primary keywords, we knew there was room for improvement. Working with an older website, PaperStreet advised the client that both website updates and SEO updates should be implemented to improve marketing and the overall experience for the user. The Gunterfirm website proudly obtained the 2015 Best in Class Interactive Media Award and also now has number one rankings for important focused phrases like “Fort Myers Employment Lawyer”; “Fort Myers Employment Attorney”; “Fort Myers Overtime Lawyer”; “Fort Myers Sexual Harassment Lawyer” along with top rankings for many other phrases.

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