Holiday Posts for Lawyers

Every year around the holidays, many attorneys struggle to come up with just the right words to share with their clients (and potential clients) in keeping with the festive holiday season. Of course, it is natural for lawyers to wish the best for all their clients regardless of whether they observe a particular holiday or not. But how do you get a potential client’s attention during the often fast-paced holiday season? Write a few holiday posts that are related to your primary practice areas!

Personal Injury Lawyers Have It Easy

For personal injury attorneys, the holidays bring about natural topics — primarily ones related to safety. Whether you handle car accident cases or drunk driving cases, you are well aware that the holidays tend to yield a higher number of automobile crashes for one reason or another. That said, your holiday post could focus on a number of concepts, such as:

  • Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is one of those holidays filled with lots of food, fun and family for many people. But as we see each year, the day can end in disaster for some. Sadly, many of the incidents that occur could have been avoided. So, we suggest you consider blogging on something similar to the following: Avoiding Potential Disasters From Frying the Turkey Too Close to the House; Make Sure Your Vehicle is Ready for the Trip to Grandma’s House; or Watch Out for Those Black Friday Sales: They Can Do More Harm Than Good.
  • Christmas: Whether you observe Christmas, Hanukkah or Festivus (for all the Seinfeld lovers), this particular time of year is often a time of giving and sharing with those you love, as well as those you may not know. However, it is also a time when some choose to mark the occasion with excessive drinking or other activities that may not bring about good cheer for all. That said, consider writing on some of these topics: ‘Tis the Season to Be Jolly…But Not Too Jolly (Don’t Drink and Drive); Got Hurt by the Gift You Always Wanted? Know Your Legal Options; or Shopping Mall Parking Lots Can Get Crazy: Don’t Be a Victim.
  • New Year’s Eve/Day: The new year typically brings about a new outlook on life for some. Others may see it as a time for great celebration to get rid of the old and bring in the new. In either instance, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are often the most dangerous times for people on the road due to the overindulgence of some drivers. Given that fact, it would make the most sense to continue to blog on DUI-related topics like: Bring in the New Year the Right Way: Don’t Drink and Drive; Don’t Start Off the New Year in the Slammer: Get a Ride and Stay Alive; or Be Careful on the Way Home From the Party.

Of course, these are just a few possibilities for your holiday blog. Depending on your practice areas, there could be a plethora of other topics to touch upon this holiday season.

Attorneys Who Practice Other Areas of Law Have Options Too

Even if you do not handle personal injury cases, there may still be many opportunities for you to reach potential clients during the holidays. For instance, if you handle criminal law, you unfortunately may see an influx of cases around this time due to individuals who choose to take matters in their own hands (as we saw all across the country this past Black Friday).

Depending on the nature of your practice, you may wish to blog on topics like How to Avoid Facing Criminal Charges This Holiday Season or you may wish to let your clients know that you’re there for them after something happens by blogging on What to Do if You’ve Been Assaulted in the Mall.

Even if you practice bankruptcy law, you have options for holiday blogs, particularly those related to financial stability and providing options for those who may have overspent (or are unable to spend money on gifts for loved ones) during the holidays.

If you need help determining how to market your firm during the holidays or throughout the rest of the year, PaperStreet is here for you. Contact us to discuss your options.

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