Author Archives: PaperStreet

Cool Tool of the Month

During the course of our daily activities, we come across a lot of interesting and unique tools on the internet. Some tools that we’ve discovered help to speed up our workflow more or make life easier by not having to install a lot of different programs to complete simple tasks. While others are trying to solve a larger problem with a simpler lightweight solution, we seek out a streamlined methods to help get the job done

You’ve Won an Award – Now What?

So your Firm won an award. Congratulations! You have shared the news with your team and found ways to celebrate in between clients and cases. But now what?

At PaperStreet, we recommend showcasing your awards in a place of honor on your site. Giving these logos visibility by displaying them high up on your homepage will instill trust in users, and will help those conversions come flying in.

Create an Awesome Attorney Bio With These 7 Content Secrets

The most important part of your company’s website is your attorney bio.  This is your opportunity to make an impression and tell your hero story – the one that will make prospects choose you over your competitors and existing clients tell their entire network how great you are. To create this awesome bio, you need a blueprint and we’ve got you covered.

Harnessing the Power of Color in Your Website Design

Your website is the often your first interaction with prospective clients. Some variables directly impact visitor impression – color being one of them. Color choice dictates a lot of our life choices- car, hair, clothes, home and work environment.

How Site Navigation Affects SEO

Page navigation can make or break a site. It represents the foundation of a site and impacts how well all other law firm SEO strategies you put in place will perform. Fortunately, it’s never too late to restructure a site. Here are three ways to revamp your website’s navigation and why.

Building Your Law Firm’s Business with 10 Social Media Hacks

There’s an easy way for law firms to think about social media. Instead of a vast, overwhelming network of talking heads, social media is one thing and one thing only for businesses: Opportunity.

Why WordPress Hosting with PaperStreet

There are many reasons to host on our high-speed WordPress servers.  The best reason is that our servers are fast, stable, reliable and secure.

We are not just a web host – we’re your web partner.  Most hosting providers do not make plugin recommendations. They don’t help you upgrade WordPress monthly (a requirement). They charge extra for SSLs and monitoring.  They don’t have staging platforms that make edits easy.  We include all this and more.

What PPC Metrics Should You Care About?

It seems like marketers speak one language, marketing jargon, and law firms are just trying to decipher what’s working, what isn’t and how efficiently their budget is being spent. Often, the metrics get diluted and it’s difficult to tell what’s important and what isn’t.

PaperStreet Wins 3 AVA Awards

PaperStreet is proud to announce that we have won three AVA Awards for 2018. The AVA Digital Awards recognize achievements by creative professionals whose work is considered part of digital communication.

How to End up With Amazing Bio Photos That Enhance Your Site

Nothing makes a site more eye-catching, award-winning, and conversion-worthy than pristine photos of you and your team.  Sites like and utilize striking custom imagery that immediately draws the viewer in and complements the site design, but the homepage isn’t all that matters.  If you want a cutting-edge website, we highly recommend making your attorney bios the star of the show by incorporating professional photos.

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