Author Archives: Sergio Ramiez

Understanding the Importance of SSL for Your Website

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a widely used security protocol that ensures secure communication between your web browser and a web server that you will be connected to. The modern encryption used today is called TLS (Transport Layer Security) but…

Website Best Practices: What is the Best Image Format for Web Development?

When it comes to web development, choosing the right image format is crucial for optimizing website performance and ensuring high-quality visuals. The format you choose can greatly impact loading speed, file size, compatibility and overall visual quality of the images…

10 Things Your Web Developer Wishes You Knew

Building a website is no small feat. As a developer, I know firsthand just how many intricate details go into creating a new site. That being said, the full extent of work on the development end is not something the…

10 Helpful Tips That Improve Website Load Speed

In this post, we are going to discuss the benefits of having a faster site, helpful tips to improve your website load speed and some popular speed testing tools. It may not come as some surprise but search engine usage…

Signs You Need a New Web Host

One very important aspect of any successful website is a reliable and efficient web host. A good web host can make all the difference and should be seen as an investment. There are many choices when it comes to web…

What is the Difference Between Web Hosting and Domain Hosting For Your Law Firm Website?

Domain and web hosting are two of the fundamental elements of creating and maintaining your law firm website. While domain and web hosting are very closely related, they are different services and it is important to know how these two…