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Gordon Tilden Thomas & Cordell LLP Web Design

  • 11-50 Attorneys
  • Legal
  • Custom Reponsive Web Design
  • WordPress Content Management System (CMS)
  • Content Writing, Editing & Optimization
  • Branding & Logo Design

Seattle, Washington Law Firm Website Design

A lawyer’s greatest asset is his or her judgment—which is earned by standing in court, presenting evidence, and understanding what is credible and persuasive to judges and juries. GTTC lawyers focus solely on the client’s ultimate objective and avoid the many opportunities to engage in minor but costly battles that do not advance that objective. Our 26-year track record has proven the value of this approach.


August 24, 2022

Practice Areas

Commercial Litigation, Personal Injury Litigation, Employment Negotiations and Disputes, Trust, Estate, and Fiduciary Litigation, Insurance Recovery, Construction Litigation, Mediation and Arbitration

Happy Clients. Positive Results.

stars 5.0
stars 5.0
“Sophistication and Elegance”

I would like to express my appreciation and admiration for the outstanding efforts each and every member of your team brought into our project. The sophistication, elegance and overall “top of the line” quality of our new website makes me proud to have recommended you as our partner in this project.

Kelley Kronenberg, July 8, 2020
“Sophistication and Elegance”

I would like to express my appreciation and admiration for the outstanding efforts each and every member of your team brought into our project. The sophistication, elegance and overall “top of the line” quality of our new website makes me proud to have recommended you as our partner in this project.

Kelley Kronenberg, July 8, 2020
“Sophistication and Elegance”

I would like to express my appreciation and admiration for the outstanding efforts each and every member of your team brought into our project. The sophistication, elegance and overall “top of the line” quality of our new website makes me proud to have recommended you as our partner in this project.

Kelley Kronenberg, July 8, 2020

Our 7 Guarantees

Keeping 2,000+ Clients Happy Since 2001.

You Will Love Your Design We design to please you and your clients
Same-Day Support 24-hour turnaround edits during business hours
Free Education We provide knowledge to help you expand
No Hidden Charges We quote flat-rate projects
Own Your Site No strings attached
We Create Results SEO, PPC, content + design = clients
We Make Life Easier One agency for web, branding and marketing