Industry Experts Share Legal Marketing Trends for 2015

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In 2015, digital marketing will continue to evolve as search algorithms grow more sophisticated, social media networks expand and law firms strive to stand out in a crowded market. We polled attorneys and marketing experts across the country for their thoughts on the top legal marketing trends for 2015.  Here’s what they had to say.


Forge a Personal Connection                                                                                                   

In 2015 it is essential for law firms to humanize their businesses. Pulling back the curtains and sharing the personality of the firm’s legal and professional team is a great way to connect with prospective clients. Although sharing business information through social media and email marketing is important; it is as equally important to show the man/woman behind the suit. It’s a well-known fact that people conduct business with people they like!

ChaKiara Tucker, Marketing Associate

Jacko Law Group, PC


Capture Leads through Downloadable Content

The smart law firm is building his or her list to stay current with past clients and referral partners. Law firms can drive leads in 2015 by using content upgrades and opt-in boxes to grow their lists. A content upgrade is a checklist, summary, infographic, or other downloadable asset that is given away in addition to a valuable blog post or article.  For example, I have a thorough post on deposition preparation on my site, but I give the user an option to take home a usable “checklist” of the article. If the user wants the checklist, they just have to enter the email address.

Christian Denmon

Founding Partner, Denmon & Denmon


Add Yahoo to Your Optimization Plans

On December 1, 2014, Mozilla switched Firefox’s default search engine from Google to Yahoo. Because Yahoo is powered by Bing, the combined market share for these two search engines increased from about 16% to about 35%, while Google dropped from 82% to 63%. This makes Yahoo much more relevant as many less-tech savvy users are now using Yahoo. Adding Yahoo to your optimization plans in 2015 will pay off in the end.

Andrew Stickel, Owner/Director of Marketing

Social Firestarter LLC


Focus on High-Quality Content

Following the general trend of the SEO landscape following last year’s Google algorithm updates, smart legal marketers will begin to place a greater emphasis on high quality, useful content. While virtually every legal website has a blog, many have thin, ghostwritten posts that plainly telegraph a lack of effort. Going forward, firms that are able to create and promote a variety of truly great content (think large infographics, in-depth tutorials, insightful commentary on current events) are going to come out ahead, with SEO gains from links, referral traffic from social media sharing, and authoritative positioning all playing a part.

Joseph O’Neill, Senior Associate, Marketing

The Expert Institute


Infographics & Animated Videos

I have found that infographics and animated videos generate a number of leads. It’s fairly easy to create an infographic on a website like, or an animated video on a website like Once you have created your product, place it on your website blog, and then place it all over social media. By far, Google+ and YouTube have yielded me the best results. You also need to place your product on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Google+ is great though because of the value your post is given in the Google search results.

C. Christopher Adkins, Esq.

Managing partner of Adkins Law, PLLC


Build Your Brand Through Social Media

Focus on social media. Use it to build your brand and establish a positive online reputation, as well as increase traffic and page rank for your website. Share tips, resources, and other helpful information to position yourself as the “go to” authority within your area of expertise.

Jonathan Rosenfeld

Founder of Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers


Develop Business Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the #1 new business development tool for lawyers, yet too few firms understand how to make it work to their advantage. LinkedIn will play a key role in driving business and generating new leads for law firms in 2015. We successfully helped our current law firm clients navigate and participate on LinkedIn by:

– Building the firm’s brand + individual partner brands
– Creating personal profiles that resonate on LinkedIn and search engines
– Locating and connecting with prospects
– Building lasting relationships with clients and prospects alike

Roger Ardan

Managing Director, Professional Services

Middleberg Communications

Do you have a legal marketing tip for 2015?  Feel free to share it with us in the comments below.


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