Meunier Carlin & Curfman, LLC

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About The Firm

Our firm has grown in just a few short years to become one of the largest IP boutiques in the South. We have nearly 30 patent bar registered practitioners rivaling the size and prowess of the IP groups of the biggest firms in Atlanta. Meunier Carlin & Curfman LLC was founded to provide first tier, proficient law firm services comparable to “big-law” without the high-dollar mark-up. We accomplish this task through a “cut the fat but not the muscle” mode of operation. We hire attorneys and patent agents that have excelled in their previous law firms and matriculated to the top of their classes. The expertise and quality of our people are our “muscle.” These elements are what allow us to provide first tier law firm work product and services in every instance. Yet, you will not find the added frills with our firm such as lavish retreats at five-star resorts or large art collections that are widely regarded as staples of the “white shoe” first tier firms. These elements are the “fat” that we have cut.



Atlanta, Georgia


October 29, 2014

Practice Area(s)

Patents, Litigation, Post Grant Proceedings, Copyright, Trademark

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