KN Legal

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About The Firm

With offices in the United States (Houston), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Riyadh and Khobar), the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), and the Kingdom of Bahrain (Manama), KN Legal is well-positioned to support clients with their domestic and cross-border legal needs. Our attorneys are multilingual and possess immense knowledge about applicable laws, accepted business practices, and industry-specific regulations. This includes the intricacies of Sharia-compliant finance, construction, technology and intellectual property, cross-border structuring, conventional and renewable energy production, labor and employment, and more. KN Legal lawyers are licensed to practice law in the United States, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Italy, Korea, and Lebanon. In addition to our physical offices in the global energy capitals of the world, our relationships with peer firms allow us to incorporate additional resources at a moment’s notice.



December 19, 2023

Practice Area(s)

Corporate & Commercial Law, Employment Law, Intellectual Property Law, Real Estate Law

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