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About The Firm

At Veres & Riordan, LLC, we are passionate about family law. The firm takes pride in superior client service with a personal approach. Our present and former clients remain our greatest asset and a steady source of new referrals. It means everything that our clients, past and present, refer their friends and loved ones to the firm for what are almost always life-altering family legal matters. We value those relationships and our hard-earned reputation in the community. Each client’s matter is unique, and our Denville family law attorneys work with each client to develop a strategy based on their individual goals and other considerations. Together, we work with our clients to strike the perfect equilibrium between aggressive litigation tactics and the practical consideration of alternative dispute resolution routes, such as mediation or arbitration. At the end of the day, it is the client’s life that will be affected by the results of any chosen course of action.



Denville, New Jersey


December 18, 2001

Practice Area(s)

Family Law, Divorce

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