Mark C. Wagner

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About The Firm

We at the Law Offices of Mark C. Wagner aim to serve clients by providing legal services in a different way. We know that many people have never hired a lawyer before they were unexpectedly injured, and we understand that you didn’t chose to get hurt and be forced into a situation where you have to pursue a claim for workers’ compensation benefits or personal injury damages. We want you to feel that our firm is approachable and our attorneys are truly your advocates – here and ready to help you navigate the system to get every legal remedy the law allows. To fulfill our mission of helping those who have been hurt, we need to know your story. We want to understand how your accident or injury happened, how your injuries have affected your life and career, and what you hope to do going forward. By getting to know who you are and how your accident fits into shaping the broader context of your life, we can help you by developing the right legal strategy for your situation. We can better provide evidence to demonstrate how an accident has derailed your life and why you are entitled to full compensation to rebuild your future in the aftermath of tragedy — which helps us get you the money you truly deserve. logo



November 19, 2018

Practice Area(s)

Worker's Compensation, Personal Injury

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