Kocian Law Group

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About The Firm

At Kocian Law Group clients can take comfort in knowing that they will be represented by an experienced and dedicated team of legal professionals. The lawyers and legal staff members at our firm strive to provide the best legal representation possible in every case that we handle. Our dedication and perseverance has been instrumental to our firm’s success: we have handled thousands of cases across the state of Connecticut and have secured millions of dollars for our clients over the years. In addition, Kocian Law Group has been active in supporting legislation to protect the rights of injured persons and their families. Whether our firm is litigating a wrongful death or medical malpractice case, challenging a social security disability denial, advocating to obtain the highest result on a motor vehicle claim or resolving a family law matter, we work as a cohesive team to zealously advocate for our clients. Every member of our firm is committed to treating clients with the highest level of courtesy and respect. We view our clients as an important part of our legal team and work to create lasting relationships built upon strong communication and mutual trust.

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Hartford, CT


September 12, 2016

Practice Area(s)

Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation, Medical Malpractice, Social Security, Criminal Defense, Real Estate, Commercial, Corporate, Estate Planning, Probate, Family Law, Entertainment Law

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