Week 3 – Insightful Web Design, Development, and Marketing Links

A white, rounded square logo with an abstract S-shaped design on a gradient blue and purple background.

Hello all!

Links are everywhere! They can be stumbled upon by accident or referred to you by a friend or coworker, but maybe there are some you will never have the chance of discovering.

That’s what I am here to do. Spread insightful links for all to you use and enjoy.

CSS3 Selectors: Allows designers and developers to implement designs much easier and quicker than before.

Screenshot of a blog titled "Inspect Element," discussing new CSS3 selectors. The page includes social media buttons, a search bar, and ads for Iconfinder and F5. This insightful Week 3 - Insightful Web Design Development and Marketing Links offers a deep dive into modern web techniques.


Top 10 UX Myths: Features a compiled list of “User Experience myths’.

A webpage layout showcasing an article titled "Top 10 UX Myths" by Keith Lang, along with advertisements for web-related content and a pixelated image of what resembles a dinosaur's silhouette in water. Also featured under Week 3 - Insightful Web Design Development and Marketing Links.


20 Vital Techniques & Best Practices For Effective Web Design: These 20 techniques and designs will help you create beautiful, and polished websites.

Screenshot of a web page from Noupe titled "Week 3 - Insightful Web Design Development and Marketing Links." The page features a main article with a large image, various navigation links, and advertisements promoting key techniques and best practices for effective web design.


Guess The Logo: A game that challenges you on how well you really know
all the popular logos out there.

A quiz page displaying six logos, asking users to identify the real delicious.com logo from similar options. A timer counts down, and an advertisement for a logo-guessing app is displayed at the top. This activity ties into Week 3 - Insightful Web Design Development and Marketing Links.


Conversion Rate Experts: Show you how to convert website visitors into customers.

A webpage from "Conversion Rate Experts" with a search box, newsletter signup, and social media icons. The header mentions turning clicks into customers. Week 3 - Insightful Web Design Development and Marketing Links are featured alongside text promoting conversion rate optimization.


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