Search Results for: domain

Pete Boyd portraitUnderstanding Basics of Domains, Registrars, Name Servers and DNS

What You Need to Know Here is a brief summary of Domains, Registrars, Name Servers and DNS. Domains are purchased through domain registrars. Domain registrars hold the name server records – i.e. Name Servers hold DNS records. DNS records…

Pete Boyd portraitCreate All Possible Keyword Phrase Domains in 1 Minute

We often need to come up with a bunch of ideas for a domain based on common extensions. We often had to do this all manually and it sucked. So we created/modified a new tool to create all possible domains.…

Pete Boyd portraitLaw Firm Web Site Valuation: What is your Web Site, Domain, SEO and Content worth when your Law Firm Breaks Up?

So you decided to form a new law firm. The future is bright. You have funding in place, you have a client roster that will follow you, and you are teaming up with your old law school friends. Nothing can…

Pete Boyd portraitDomain Name Switch: Problems with Email or Web Site Not Revolving

At PaperStreet we launch about a web site a week (or eight in the past two weeks if you are counting). One of the most common issues with a new web site launch, on a new web server, is for…

The Top 5 Sources for Blog Inspiration

Writing about what you know or find interesting is always the best starting point when looking for law firm blogging inspiration, but eventually, you’ll hit a roadblock, and when that time comes, we’ve got you covered.  PaperStreet generates more than…

Law Firm Name Change Checklist: Tips for What Do if You Have a Name Change or a Partner Leaves

So your firm is changing names or a partner has left?  We can help.  Here is our guide of everything that needs to happen to make sure the name change goes smoothly.  Checklist Tips & Questions 

Citations Your Law Firm Needs for 2024

Local and legal citations can often be overlooked, but they are the base of an effective link building strategy for any law firm looking to level up their rankings. Let’s take a look at the top citations you need to…

Pete Boyd portraitWhat Data Does Google Collect for the Purposes of GDPR and CCPA?

The information collected by Google Analytics falls into several categories, including user-related data, technical data, and behavioral data.  This can affect both your compliance for GDRP in Europe and CCPA in California. User-Related Data: Google Analytics collects information about users…

Evaluating Online Directories 5 Key Factors to Consider for Your Website’s Success

Online directories are one of the simplest and easiest ways to get your brand out there to drive traffic and improve search engine visibility. These directories will feature your company’s NAP (name, address, and phone number) and many will allow…

SEO Tip for Law Firms: Clean Up Your Backlink Profile

You may be aware that link building is an essential tool to building your website’s authority and ranking higher within Google’s algorithm. What many people are not aware of, however, is that the quality of your backlink profile greatly outweighs…

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